We offer the following to promote the learning of Mandarin & Chinese culture:

• 有趣并有效的实体小班中文课
Fun and Effective Face to face Mandarin lessons for small groups:

Term time Saturdays;
Led by trained, experienced and motivated teachers;
Follow HSK/GCSE curriculum;
Well equipped classrooms of Hoe Bridge School, an outstanding Independent School

• 天地中文图书馆
Horizon Chinese Library

A fantastic collection of hand-picked, staged reading resources;
Termly reading challenges, certificates & prizes;
Available term time every Saturday on site for our students to borrow and take home

• 每周免费中文故事会
FREE Mandarin story time

Term time every Saturday morning

• 深受欢迎的中文课后班
Mandarin after school clubs

Popular Mandarin after school clubs in various local schools;
Please contact us at: info@horizonmandarinschool.co.uk if you wish us to run Mandarin after school clubs at your children’s school. We will be delighted to help.

• 网上成人中文课
Online Mandarin lessons for adults:

Term time Saturday;
Small group, excellent teaching

• 定期免费中文故事会和手工作坊
FREE Mandarin story time and activity sessions

Half termly in school holidays;
At Woking, Egham and other local Surrey libraries

• 沉浸式中文夏令营
Immersion Mandarin Summer Camp

Weekly full day Mandarin summer camp;
More details please refer to Summer Camp section of the website

• 假期每日网上读故事、学中文
Holiday daily online Mandarin lessons through reading stories

To keep it up through every school holidays (half term & holidays between terms);
Daily online lessons through fun stories;
Can take part from any part of the world!