We planted a tree 5th May 2018
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon which also happened to be the National Garden Week. Horizon mandarin school planted a cherry tree in ISL’s permaculture garden. Our students in the beginner class worked hard along with Cheney, a garden expert, in growing our little tree.
Today, we planted the tree with a dream, with hope that tomorrow it will grow strong and blossom along with the children in the years to come.
我们种下一棵树 5th May 2018
这个星期是National Gardening Week;今天,一个灿烂的春日里,天地中文学校组织初级班可爱的小朋友们,一齐动手把一棵樱桃树种在了ISL Primary School的校园。
在天地学校的老师们的带领下,由专业园艺师Cheney 耐心指导,小朋友们戴上园艺手套,拿起铁铲、推起独轮车,把堆肥、树皮碎块分类运至ISL的Fruit Forest里。一声令下,小朋友们争先恐后地把树坑挖好,比划好尺寸深浅,放下树苗,一个个又把堆肥铲进坑里、压紧、撸平整,用小水壶浇上水。听Cheney解释为什么要把树苗在营养液里浸泡一下,为什么要在土上盖硬纸板,为什么要盖一层树皮碎块,为什么纸板不要碰到树干……孩子们之间也在积极认真地讨论:土里的蚯蚓对植物有什么益处……好一堂生动的实践课!