Horizon Mandarin School Data Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Horizon Mandarin School provides Chinese language teaching which involves the  collection, gathering and processing of information that is considered personal  information. The way in which the Horizon Mandarin School processes this type of  information will comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection  Regulations (GDPR). The purpose of this privacy notice is to explain how your  personal information is processed and provide information about the rights you  have under data protection legislation, what information we collect, how we use that information, and what happens to your information when it is no longer required.

2. What information is collected?

School Registration. Horizon Mandarin School collects the following information:
• Personal Information (children names, dates of birth and gender, parent’s name)
• Contact details (address, email address, home telephone number and mobile  number)
• Attendance (classes, sessions attended, number of absences)
• Language background information (family language)
• Special needs information

3. How will you use my information?

Horizon Mandarin School will use the data to operate and manage the school  classes, as well as keep you informed of class term dates, school fees, school  activities and general updates.

4. Will my information be passed to anyone else?

The information that you provide when you sign up to receive correspondence from  us is only used within the Horizon Mandarin School. Your information is not passed  to any other third party or recipient without prior consent. You can ask to be removed from the mailing list for Horizon Mandarin School at any time and your contact details will be deleted with immediate effect.

5. Your Rights Under the GDPR

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal information. You have the  right to:
• request access to your personal information;
• request rectification of your personal information where there is an error;
• request erasure of your personal information.

6. Complaints or queries

Should you be unhappy with the way in which the Horizon Mandarin School has  processed your personal data or have any queries, we would like to try and resolve this  directly with you in the first instance. Please contact us at info@horizonmandarinschool.co.uk to discuss your complaint or query.

Updated: 07/2024

Horizon Mandarin School Limited is a limited company registered in England (Company number: 8699629).